Friday, November 14, 2008


Anagrams are words or phrases made by mixing up the letters of other words or phrases,
e.g. THE EYES is an anagram of THEY SEE.

Some Examples

Debit card = Bad credit
Halley's Comet = Shall yet come
Punishment = Nine Thumps
Dormitory = Dirty room
Astronomer = Moon starer
The Hurricanes = These churn air
Schoolmaster = The classroom

Mother-in-law = Woman Hitler1
The earthquakes = That queer shake
Debit card = Bad credit
Slot machines = Cash lost in 'em
School master = The classroom
Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
Dormitory = Dirty room
Punishment = Nine Thumps
Desperation = A rope ends it
The Morse code = Here come dots
Snooze alarms = Alas! No more Zs
A decimal point = I'm a dot in place
Astronomer = Moon starer
Fir cones = Conifers
The eyes = They see
Payment received = Every cent paid me
Conversation = Voices rant on
The public art galleries = Large picture halls, I bet
Election results = Lies, let's recount
Halley's Comet = Shall yet come
The Hurricanes = These churn air
Say it with flowers = We flirt so this way

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